Legal Notice

Site editor

KerMobile Solutions, application software publisher

Commercial address:
13/15 rue Chateaubriand
75008 PARIS
Tél : +33 (0) 1 58 62 52 13
Fax : +33 (0) 1 58 62 52 15

Registered office:
13/15 rue Chateaubriand
75008 PARIS

Company with a capital of € 171 300
SIRET : 81253402200023 – NAF : 5829C

Director of publication: Evrard de Villeneuve

Development of the website:
Agence Big Mama
26 rue Baudin – 34000 Montpellier
+33 (0)4 67 60 35 32

Photo credits : Fotolia (copyright-free images)


This site is hosted primarily by the company OVH, SAS with a capital of € 10,059,500 RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 000 45 – APE 2620Z Code – VAT number: FR 22-424-761-419-00011 / Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.


The information provided on this site is presented for general information. It does not claim to be exhaustive. The information contained on the website does not constitute a commercial proposal or contract or legal advice or opinion. Despite site content updates, KerMobile Solutions can not be held responsible for changes in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication.

KerMobile Solutions can not be held liable for errors that may have accidentally slipped into the site, despite the care taken in its implementation. The company reserves the right to modify or correct at any time the information contained on the website without prior notice.


The use we make of your personal data is explained on our Privacy Policy page.


The general structure of the, website, as well as text, graphics, images, sounds, videos and pdf documents included in it, are the property of the publisher or its partners. They are protected by copyright laws.

Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total use of content and services offered by the website kermobile.comby any means whatsoever without the prior written authorization of KerMobile Solutions is strictly prohibited and would may constitute an infringement under Articles L 335-2 of the Code of intellectual property.

Regarding Internet communication, KerMobile Solutions give permission to any creator / website manager to point through a hyperlink on the page on its website


The information you provide through this site is never given to third parties. By completing the questionnaires, information that you transmit will only be used by KerMobile Solutions and used for the development and execution of your application. They can, moreover, be used for commercial purposes to offer you products or services.

You can notify us that you no longer wish to receive these commercial proposals by sending an email to


Our site’s use of cookies is explained on our Politique de Confidentialité page.